As I think you may know, I started to go to gym on April 2011. April till July I did a diet and I went to gym every day and I lost 10kilos! Then I went to excavations the rest of the summer, and I gained 2kilos (I don't know how, cos you do a lot of exercise in a excavation all day long... ) Then the classes came and I only returned to gym on December of 2011. I started my diet and I went to the gym everyday since then, and I already lost 4kilos. This journey will continue till I get my body in shape, a thing that I only had when I was 12 years old, and I had football classes two times a week. I always have been fat, I don't know how is to be less fat (I don't want to be skinny, I just want to have beautiful curves!)
I lost 12 kilos, my skin looks more healthy and some old clothing started to fit me. This is the reward for such hard work, and I'm very happy with it. I'm writing this post and my legs are hurting so bad cos I've been working them off everyday on the gym. But it is for a good cause! :)
I lost 12 kilos, my skin looks more healthy and some old clothing started to fit me. This is the reward for such hard work, and I'm very happy with it. I'm writing this post and my legs are hurting so bad cos I've been working them off everyday on the gym. But it is for a good cause! :)
se calhar os 2kg que ganhaste eram mais em músculo? parabéns e coragem, pessoalmente ando a tentar estar em forma, não tanto perder peso/emagrecer (podia, podia, mas sinto-me bem como estou), "tonificar". também nunca fui magra, e não tenho a estatura para o ser. mas o que importa é sentirmo-nos bem connosco :)
ResponderEliminarEu precisa de perder peso e fundamentalmente de perder massa gorda, mas ñ tem sido nada fácil... Parabéns por todo o esforço e pelos resultados alcançados :)
ResponderEliminar[sorteio no meu blogue: http://emptywall-s.blogspot.com/]
Barbara, acho que nao porque aumentei de cintura e tudo mais. acho que foi dos jantares nos restaurantes todos os dias, trabalhava de dia, mas de noite ia comer pizas e doces! shame on me! *
ResponderEliminarRaqs, sim perder massa gorda é essencial! já perdi alguma também, mas é algo mais dificil de perder. obrigado! boa sorte e força para ti tambem!*